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Welcome to 

Basil's Harvest.

A more healthful, equitable and resilient food system connects the health of people, farms and soil.

Basil's Harvest engages the power of regional regenerative food systems to promote human and planetary wellbeing. Our work connects farmers, institutions, health systems and businesses to build just and regenerative supply chains. We curate experiential learning programs, oversee collaborative research to expand understanding, and work hands-on with leaders to support them in creating and sustaining more resilient regional food systems.
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Regenerate Community Wellbeing, Wealth, and Resilience
The health of the soil in a community is connected to the health of people in their community. As more farmers adopt regenerative farming practices, the benefits to human health, animal welfare, the environment, and farm income can create systemic change. When community institutions such as hospitals, schools, and food banks harness their power and prioritize soil health, the community's overall health improves.

Basil’s Harvest empowers the health of communities by working with community leaders to innovate, educate, and build regional value chains that support regenerative food systems and community health.
Who We Partner With

Communities: Rural and urban populations with a desire to improve their soil, food and overall health.

  • Partnership for a Healthy Community: HEAL Food System Partners Program
  • Janie’s Mill

Farmers: Growers that want to adopt regenerative farming practices and make their farms more diverse and resilient to social, environmental and economic disturbances.

  • Janie’s Farm
  • Cow Creek Farm
  • Doubting Thomas Farms

Hospitals, Schools, Restaurants, Food Banks: Institutions interested in procuring regional regenerative foods and improving the health of their community.

  • OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
  • Midwest Food Bank

Community Leaders: Institutions, businesses, policymakers and advocates dedicated to supporting initiatives to improve community health and address agriculture and climate change.

  • Illinois Regenerative Agriculture Institute
  • University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria
  • ReGenerate Illinois
  • Artisan Grain Collaborative
  • Rodale Institute Midwest Organic Center
  • Midwest Foods
  • Illinois Water Resources Center
  • University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point[a][b]

Conduct learning programs

Basil’s Harvest develops experiential learning programs for health, culinary, supply chain and corporate professionals that connects them to their deeper purpose across the food system
* Short overview of CW

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Build Collaborative Ecosystems

Basil’s Harvest connects farmers, institutions, and businesses and facilitates community-wide collaborations to build better food systems.

Connect with Basil’s Harvest 

and let’s start building 

healthier soils and communities.

Erin Meyer

Executive Director

Kelly Bloedorn

Communications and Management Associate
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Basil’s Harvest’s work is made possible by supporters, including: "Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust" 
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